Olpas has been recognised as an "innovative startup" and selected by the Flemish Government/ Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen - VLAIO to receive an “ISS” grant (ISS = “Innovatieve Starters Steun”).
With a completely new technology for direct measurement of suspended solids (Dry Solids (droge stof), TSS or MLSS), we felt confident being a pioneer in our market, but this selection also confirms we tick off all other criteria too.

As a spin-out of SCK CEN and the MYRHHA project, and with co-founder Kristof’s background, the technical backing we receive is impeccable, but this additional recognition and support gives us a super-boost at the start of our 2nd year 🚀 and will allow us to invest more in understanding the business side of selling our sensors in the watertreatment industry and sludge processing in Europe.
Currently, we are in talks to roll out our sensors for TSS and/or MLSS measurements in communal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, sludge and biomass processing in Belgium and the Netherlands. In the near future, we plan to roll out our technology in advanced industrial processes or medical applications, and we will expand to more European countries 🇪🇺.
Thank you Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen - VLAIO for your great feedback.
And thanks to the Agoria team for supporting our application and encouraging us to go for it.